I’m Done With People, Part I

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery has caught the attention of the country due to a video that surfaced this week showing two men killing the 25-year-old man as he was going for

Ahmaud Arbery

a jog in Brunswick, GA.  That murder happened on February 23 and it wasn’t until the video was released this week that an arrest was made.  Equally disturbing about this evil act is the District Attorney of Glynn County blocked Glynn police from making an arrest.

The video clearly shows the two men kill this young man in cold blood but yet like the Trayvon Martin case you have people defending these two men.  The two men claim that Ahmaud “fit the description” of someone who had committed burglaries in recent weeks.  They felt the need to take it upon themselves to act as judge, jury & executioner.  Then the Glynn DA Jackie Johnson blocked the arrests because one of the men used to work in her office.

For two months these animals walked around free while a mother had to live with the pain of never seeing her son again.  This wasn’t a case of not having enough information because the video of the murder existed.  The Glynn County DA sat on that video and allowed these two men to go about their normal lives.  The arrests only happened when the public got a hold of the video.

This is just another example of why even when a black man is doing something as random as JOGGING he’ll be considered a threat and a danger.  This was not a citizen’s arrest.  This was not two men protecting the neighborhood.  This was two men deciding to kill a man based purely on the color of his skin.  You had best believe that if Ahmaud Arbery was Chad Buchanan he would be alive right now.

I have ZERO faith the state of Georgia will bring justice to Arbery’s family and while these men have finally been arrested, Ahmaud’s soul is still not at peace.  He would have turned 26 today.

I’m Done With People, Part II

As news of Ahmaud Arbery’s senseless murder gained more national attention, prominent figures began to voice their opinions.  Most of these opinions ranged from sadness to grief to anger.  One such prominent figure who spoke out was NBA superstar LeBron James.  Here is what the 4-Time NBA MVP had to say regarding Ahmaud’s murder:

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LeBron James’ statements on the murder of Ahmaud Arbery

LeBron’s statement echoed what most people are feeling during this time but leave it to the tap dancing, modern-day Stephen known as Jason Whitlock to be THAT guy.  Here was his response to LBJ’s comments:

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SMH. Once again Jason Whitlock continues to show why he is in the sunken place. He starts this ass backwards statement by somehow accusing James of trying to “build a brand” and equate this to an argument of LBJ trying to be greater than Michael Jordan.  If that weren’t enough he then doubles down and says LBJ is somehow inciting fear and divisiveness as if unarmed black men & women haven’t been brutally murdered throughout this country’s history.  So Jason you mean to tell me that Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark, Freddie Gray and hundreds of others didn’t happen? Are you telling me these people weren’t hunted down & needlessly murdered? Instead of doing his best live-action version of Uncle Ruckus maybe Jason should actually take the time to do some research. There was nothing about LeBron’s tweet that would incite fear & divisiveness.  LeBron was simply stating FACTS.  Whitlock’s problem is he continually ignores those facts & sells out black people simply for paychecks, retweets and maybe the chance of being thought of as “one of the good ones”. I’ll just say this about Whitlock: one day his black moment will come when he messes up and the same boots he licks daily will be those that kick him… and I for one will not feel sorry for him in the least.

I’m Done With People, Part III

Ok… I could get some backlash for this but here goes: I’m really done with people.  Allow comedian Ryan Davis to further illustrate my point(WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE):


Final Thoughts:

  • The NFL decided to release the 2020 schedules for all 32 NFL teams and insist on starting the NFL season in September.  Does anyone want to tell them we’re still nowhere close to being ready to go to NFL stadiums and watch games?
  • Episodes 5 & 6 of The Last Dance upped the ante.  Each episode of the docu-series covering Michael Jordan & the Chicago Bulls’ chase for a 6th title is more exciting than the previous episode.  The behind the scenes look at the Dream Team, the gambling allegations, the special bond between Jordan & Kobe Bryant, MJ’s love of Madison Square Garden and MJ’s intense hatred(rightly deserved & justified) of Isiah Thomas is riveting.
  • WWE’s Money in the Bank PPV is this Sunday.  It is definitely going to take a back seat to ESPN’s The Last Dance.  Episodes VII & VIII will premiere on Sunday night and focus on Jordan’s 1st retirement & his “harsh” treatment of his teammates.  If we’re being honest, the storylines in WWE right now are complete trash.  It’s becoming a bit cumbersome to watch.
  • We’re still not at the peak of this pandemic and yet people continue to treat this as anything but what it is — a serious pandemic.  There has to be mass testing.  Social distancing must continue.  Lockdowns are still needed.  If anything should be learned from this it’s that we need to look out for each other’s well being.  The economy can be rebuilt.  Try telling those who have battled this virus, those who have lost loved ones to this virus and those who continually fight on the front lines to eradicate this virus that this is a hoax or that somehow your rights are being taken away.

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