Title: No Time To Die Release Date: April 8, 2020 Starring: Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Lashana...
Title: Black Widow Release Date: May 1, 2020 Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, David Harbour...
Tonight continues WWE’s takeover of Chicago with the 4th & final major PPV of the year in...
I’ve been married to my best friend for over 10 years. As with any marriage there are...
The 2019-19 NBA Season ended with the Toronto Raptors aka #WeTheNorth walking tall & capturing their 1st...
World Wrestling Entertainment began their premiere week on September 30 with the “season premiere” of RAW, the...
Oh Save Us From Our Mess… Bette Midler caused a brief Twitter storm this past week when...
Tim Tebow’s Clueless Proselytizing Tim Tebow was a guest on ESPN’s 1st Take on Friday and he...
It’s the one night of the year(if you don’t count WrestleMania, SummerSlam or Royal Rumble) where every...
If you’ve looked at any of my past blogs then you know that I’m something of a...