Gas Prices Too Damn High

Gas prices have skyrocketed.

Gas prices in the U.S. have hit an all-time high with prices soaring as high as $7 a gallon in California. Here in Illinois, gas has topped $5 depending on where you live. With inflation soaring out of control and gas prices expected to continue rising, it’s only a matter of time before another recession comes calling. This recession is going to make the COVID recession look like a picnic. The government can’t continue to blame these high prices on the Russia/Ukraine war considering the U.S. imports less than 4% of its oil from Russia. I’m also going to need politicians to stop talking about how people should not be complaining about gas prices when over 64% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck

With no end to the Russia conflict in sight and summer fast approaching, I have real concerns with just how high gas prices will eventually reach.

COVID is Forever

2019. (Photo by Alissa ECKERT / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / AFP)

The latest COVID numbers are on a downward trajectory according to its latest statistics. As of March 12th, the U.S. is adding about 36,000 new cases per day, the lowest it’s been since July 2021. While this is certainly great news… let’s keep in mind that we are not out of the woods. People to need to understand that this is a virus and like the flu it will rear its ugly head from time to time. Relaxing mask mandates are happening but by no means should we drop our guards. I think people should still wear masks and we should DEFINITELY continue practicing hand hygiene… and no one should be judged for it. The one thing that people should have learned(but obviously haven’t) is this – we still have to look out for one another. We may have gotten past this latest surge but COVID is forever folks. Govern yourselves accordingly.

Juicy Smooyay

Actor Jussie Smollet was sentenced to 150 days in jail for staging a homophobic & racist attack against himself. The actor still proclaimed his innocence and insisted he is not suicidal and staged a bizarre rant while doing so:

Oh…. Juicy – in the words of the great poet Shawn Carter, “We don’t believe you/You need more people.”

However just six days into his sentence Mr. Smollet was released from jail pending appeal. This case is far from over.

Say Goodbye To The Bad Guy

This past Monday, the wrestling world lost one its true icons in Scott Hall. Known to many wrestling fans as Razor Ramon, Hall was an icon in the wrestling industry and along with Kevin Nash helped changed the landscape of wrestling forever when Hall & Nash bolted WWE for WCW in 1995. Hall’s arrival to WCW played a large part in launching the Monday Night Wars. He will truly be missed…

Final Thoughts

  • Rest in peace to longtime ESPN NFL analyst John Clayton
  • Rest in peace to two Chicago area media legends – Pervis Spann & Merri Dee
  • The NCAA Tournament has been fun to watch at times. It’s even better because this is the 3rd straight year I haven’t filled out a bracket.

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