We’re Desensitized & Stupid…

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on our society and despite all the warnings from medical professionals telling us it’s too soon to reopen several local & state politicians have decided to reopen.  Gov. Kemp from Georgia decided to reopen while Florida & California thought it would be a good idea to reopen beaches.  People in Chicago have taken to having house parties dubbed COVID parties. Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot has resorted using police to break up the parties and even threatening citations and jail time if these parties continue.  These were some scenes from over the past several days:

What’s worse than the lack of social distancing is people are now protesting the stay at home orders.  We have become so desensitized that we feel that our “freedom” and desire to get out of the house and back to work is more important than our health.

And then there’s this nonsense that someone had the audacity to put on social media:

cv 19 note

At every turn this country has had the opportunity to lead & show the world how to respond to this pandemic and at every single turn America has shown its whole ass.

As someone who works in the healthcare field I have personally seen the struggle for healthcare workers to care for those patients in need as well as try to protect themselves & their co-workers.  The stress factor from dealing with this virus is beyond immense and you have idiots across the country making matters worse.  I wish I could say I am surprised but I’m not.  This is the most self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic and ignorant society I have ever seen.  No wonder why we have Donald Trump for a president.

The Last Dance: Make It Last Forever


There have been few distractions to focus on during this pandemic but one of the best distractions has been the sports documentary, The Last Dance.  This documentary chronicles the Chicago Bulls’ quest to win a 6th championship back in 1998.  While the focus is on the behind the scenes look at the team’s struggles of dealing with fame, history and rigors of this title chase I have enjoyed the look back into the career of Michael Jordan.  This epic series has given us some gems on what made MJ into the greatest basketball player of all-time.  All 4 episodes have been magnificent and I can’t wait for the series to continue tonight.

The Realest Moment in Television

I happen to be scrolling through my Twitter feed and this scene from Little House on the Prairie popped up:

This clip is raw in its emotions and speaks truth to power.  That this clip still hits a raw nerve some 43 years later speaks to just how far we still have to go in terms of race relations.

Finals Thoughts

  • After watching Episodes III & IV of The Last Dance I have the following statement to make: F*** the Detroit Pistons, Isiah Thomas, Bill Laimbeer and everything they stand for.
  • I’m having a hard time trying to stay invested in WWE right now.  It has less to do with the lack of crowds and has everything to do with the sheer lack of competent storytelling.
  • If you’re one of the smart ones who are following the stay at home order, spend your Friday nights with my Morehouse brother, Kenneth O’Rourke aka DJ J-Finesse. He spins every Friday night playing a little bit of everything.  If that’s not enough, the Magnificent DJ Jazzy Jeff blesses us on the 1’s & 2’s every Saturday afternoon from 3-5pm EST for #MagHouseParty.
  • Finally, please heed the advice of the health professionals and follow the stay at home protocols.  This virus affects people in different ways.  It may be harmless to some but to others this virus can be deadly.  To quote DJ Jazzy Jeff… Keep Yo Ass In Da House!!

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