When Gladiators Say F*** It

The Colts’ Andrew Luck retired from the NFL yesterday at the age of 29.  He joined a  growing group of players(Patrick Willis, Glen Coffee, etc) that have decided long term health is more important than sacrificing their bodies for fickle fans & teams that would quickly discard them like soiled diapers.  Leave it some people though to decide that Luck’s retirement is due to him not being “man enough” to continue playing.  Enter exhibits A & B….

Screen Shot 2019-08-25 at 11.09.58 AMScreen Shot 2019-08-25 at 11.09.30 AMThe mere fact you have people who are supposed to be journalists taking these type of hot takes is indicative of where our society is now.  These guys would rather Luck’s brain & body turn to mush to somehow prove his “toughness”.  GTFOH…

The League of Un-Extraordinary Candidates

Let me just say that I’m unimpressed with this field of candidates running for U.S. president.  No one has a vision to fix the problems in this country.  Democrats want their votes because they’re not “racist, sexist & homophobic” like the current celebrity-in-chief.  The current resident of the presidency, Agent Orange, is more interested in self-preservation and will do & say ANYTHING to hold on to relevancy.  It’s a dismal state of affairs concerning this country… and it’s only going to get worse.

Throw Ya Guns Up

Speaking of getting worse… the recent mass shootings in El Paso & Ohio have once again sparked the gun control debate.  While Dems are calling for guns to be pulled, the GOP continues to suck the teat of the NRA for votes. Would it be so bad to have universal background checks, define what assault weapons are and ban them and really invest money into mental health?!

Lost Ones

Jay-Z is the latest person to go on the Cancelled List after he entered into a business deal with the NFL while Colin Kaepernick remains white-balled by the league.  This came on the heels of Jay supporting Kaepernick’s silent protest of racial & economic inequality.  While this IS bad optics for Jay-Z, the bigger issue to me is how far are people willing to go with this boycott of the NFL? Are people prepared to boycott ALL of the businesses that work with the NFL? Prepared to stop using Verizon? Pepsi-Co products? Barclays(you know… the conglomerate that owns the Barclays Center where the Brooklyn Nets play)? McDonald’s? Microsoft(ready to throw away your Xbox)? Visa? Nike?  Is the goal to get Colin’s job back or is it to force the NFL to really use its influence to help enact social change?

And while we’re on the subject, can we do away with the whole “cancelled” thing? It’s getting to the point that no matter how minute the wrong is, that person is cancelled.  What happened to giving someone a chance to right wrongs?

And Still Undefeated….

Chick-Fil-A’s chicken sandwich is still undefeated.  Good try though, Popeye’s.  Really good try….

Some Final Thoughts

  • It’s 2019 – can we PLEASE stop sagging our pants, black men?!
  • PSA to men everywhere: wash your damn hands when you’re done at the urinal!!!
  • Acrimony was another atrocious movie by Tyler Perry.  Just stop, dude. Stop….
  • Support Black businesses!!



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